Thursday 31 July 2014

In the Moment #11: "Wardrobe Overhaul" Ft. Photography from Vanessa (Citron and Guavaberry)

You may have seen that little video I did about my recent wardrobe purchases. I have to give a shout out to Vanessa who not only gave me the idea to do a 'lookbook' but also slaved over the camera while I danced like a manic. She did some 'product' shots to accompany the post for the video but I really think they deserve a post all to themselves. So let me showcase her and her amazing framing and photography skills.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Annabelle Stay Sharp Waterproof Kohl Eyeliner and Lipliner*

*Press samples

Annabelle Stay Sharp Waterproof Kohl Eyeliner and Lipliner glam red go black review swatch

Emily Noel loves her Mally's Automatic Eyeliner because of how they are always self sharpen. WAIT, how do they always stay sharp? She never explains and I am constantly left like Alicia Silverstone in a 90's yellow plaid kilt. I honestly thought she was deceiving me but  I HAVE SOLVED THE RIDDLE thanks to Annabelle.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Video: Wardrobe Overhaul

You asked for it...a 2 min fashion video...of the things I bought recently...HOW CAN YOU RESIST?!?! (pssst remember to watch in HD).

Have a few laughs on I make a fool out of myself.

In this video I:
- dance around in clothes 

Monday 28 July 2014

The Kissproof Lip Battle

kissproof lip products review

With lipstick on, my lips are a hazard zone to David and he will openly state that '[I'm] not getting kissed'. Sometimes I fool him with an MLBB but I give up the game when I'm swiping at his cheeks trying to remove color from his ass-pale skin. 

Though we don't openly mash faces in public ('cause we are decent people), it would be nice to give him a peck on the cheek or lips without leaving evidence behind. Much like the Cheek and Lip Product Battle, I've tested products and have been making out with my hand (so sexy) to give you guys the low-down. I wish I could for realz make out but...David's on the other side of the country.

Saturday 26 July 2014

TMI: Take It OFF! (On Brazillian Waxing..)

waxon wax bar toronto review

Let's be open. We're friends right? 'Cause the straight up truth is that less is more when it comes to the pubes. Going all natural is a hairy situation but taking it all off makes my women parts look a little bare. I prefer a semblance of propriety and opt for a modest Brazilian which leaves a strip in the front. My FAVE place is Waxon Waxbar and since I've never been treated to a complimentary service there and found it myself, I'd like to think you can trust my opinion.

Friday 25 July 2014

A Dive Off the Deep End With YSL Pur Couture #52

ysl pur couture #52 swatch my love from another star

You can safely commit me to the mental institute now. For realz, I have taken a dive off the deep end and am admitting it openly. I, Jenn Fong, renouncer of corals, fearer of brights, frugal (typically) of spending, have bought the YSL Pur Couture lipstick in #52. I did this without trying it on. without swatching it in store, without anything more than adrenaline and bad sense pumping in my veins. I walked in there, slammed my money on the counter, and ordered it to be rung up like a boss.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Discussion: Here we are now...entertainers?

I've been thinking about upping the entertainment value of my blog. 

Doodling master plans of confetti bursts for every visit seemed like a worthwhile use of 10 mins, but at the end of the day, I want my writing to be the main headliner. 

My favorite blogs are those that have actual voice. They have that hook that draws me into something that would have been stale; I might not care about that blush but I will care about how you write about it, the more self-deprecating the better, the more nuanced the better. And you get some Jenn-points (purchasing power = zero) if you tease out the hilarity of a situation with an economy of words.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

So...?Sinful Fragrance Review*

*Press sample

So...?Sinful fragrance review

I don't think perfumes made it anywhere near my radar all the way through highschool. I remember catching whiffs of the 'popular' girls as they walked through the halls and knew that perfume was a 'thing' but never bothered about it. Now that I think about it, I probably wouldn't have been able to spend $60+ on a fancy bottle of perfume then but I'm starting to realize more purse-friendly options are out there. 

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Guest Post: Natalie's Red and White Look

Hi everyone! My name is Natalie, and I blog over at Ivory Avenue. Ivory Avenue is a wild collection of beauty, fashion and lifestyle – though this is a rough definition. I really blog about whatever tickles my fancy. I love discussing current trends, reviewing products and finding new designers and shops.
I'll be taking over Jenn's blog for the day as part of the Canadian Beauty Bloggers monthly guest posting, and as the theme this month is Canada, I'll be going all drastic with red and white makeup!

Sunday 20 July 2014

The Blush Challenge

Last year or so, I completed my lipstick challenge where I used a different lipstick every day. I should probably get into that habit again but instead, as I was purging my stash, I saw that the number of blushes I had were significant (p>0.05).

Friday 18 July 2014

Skoah Even-Keeled Kit First Impressions* and Giveaway!

*Press sample featured
skoah even-keeled kit review kleasning lotion, face skrub, tonik, face skotion

Skincare gets me excited, the 'for realz', jazz hands, heart palpitation, first love type excited. Throw me a scrub and some fancy ingredients and I'll show you what dying of happiness looks like.

 Even though Vancouver based Skoah was 10 mins from my GVRD home and even though I place Skoah on the same pedestal as Dermalogica, I never went. So ZOMGS thank you Skoah for letting me try this Even-Keeled Kit. You can also win your own ($140 retail value)! Here are first impressions of the brand which offers "personal training for your skin". 

Thursday 17 July 2014

Sigma E25 and E30 Brushes*

*Press sample

Sigma E25 and E30 Brushes review

 Sigma. I hear about this brand and I wonder if it's really as great as people say. I was sent the Sigma E30 and E25 brushes. So here's a review.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Video: Everyday Makeup/My Makeup Bag or Something

All right crazy kids. Here's a new video up for the 'Let's Make Videos' group I have going on with Quinn, Vanessa, Anu and Shayne. It's a big last minute making video party WOOO.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

6 Looks with L'Oreal Infallible Eyeshadows

*Some press samples featured, I bought some myself and were given the rest.

Looks with L'Oreal Infallible Eyeshadows

My L'Oreal Infallible Eyeshadow review is now all but useless (Thanks, Great Deletion of 2014) but I still wanted to re-feature them on the blog you know...for posterity. So, here are six different looks using the L'Oreal Infallible Eyeshadows.

Monday 14 July 2014

Should I Keep My Lipliners?

nyx lipliner pencil swatch deep red hot red fuchsia dolly pink

 A surprising degree of strength is necessary to purge items from my makeup stockpile. Strength I have yet to possess, so Jenn (vibrant beauty) held my hand as we swiftly dispensed of 9 lip glosses. We haven't started in on the lipsticks yet but I'm hoping for similarly satisfactory results. The high of buying new things is only comparable to the high of releasing all those same items back into the wild.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Cheek and Lip Product Battle*

*Some press samples featured
ip and cheek duo products review swatch, becca beach tint, stila convertible color, RMS lips2cheek. Nars multiple, Lush Emotional Brilliance, Canmake cream cheek, cargo blush stick, Maybelline master glaze

My friend, (hey Vani), is skeptical about lip and cheek duo products. SO, in this OCTOGONAL RING, these products are facing (and lipping?) off to see which cuisine reigns supreme. Specific shades won't be discussed but application, wear time, pigmentation and finish are reviewed. Shout out to Jen, who lent more than a few of these to me. We are looking for something that sits well on the face without drying the lips, lasts reasonably through the day and is coordinated in color. 

*ding ding*

Friday 11 July 2014

Currently Reading

I quite like it when some of you guys talk about the books your are reading. I also quite like it when more than one, but not more than five books are mentioned. So here are three that I'm currently getting through.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Korean Wishlist

Korean Wishlist

I'm not going to lie. I love my Asian cosmetics and skincare, especially the ones that come from Korea. Not only does the packaging grab you with cute graphics, they always have such amazing claims. It's hard to resist and so here are a few things I've been eyeing for a while.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

FOTD #7: 'Cause All We Have is L'Oreal*

*Press samples featured

Well not really. I didn't have a L'Oreal brow pencil so forgive me. I like the idea of Essie's Brand focus videos so I thought it would be neat to see if I could do a full face with just one brand. So here is a full face (almost) with just L'Oreal products and some first impressions on these items.

Monday 7 July 2014

In the Moment #10: Elizabeth Arden and YSL

Here's a recap of two events I went to recently. Once again, shout outs to Julie for being my beauty hookup.  I'm sure more than just my soul has become indebted to her now.

Event 1: Elizabeth Arden: Power of Orange Event

Elizabeth Arden really blew me out of the water with this event. They were launching some new Prevage items and showed some good scientific evidence for their Idebenone ingredient which impressed me more than any brand has so far (I'm not going to nitpick on how I find the evidence they presented to us, as lay people, still less than rigourous but at least beauty companies are heading in the right direction).

Sunday 6 July 2014

Sunscreen Options With Clarins*

*All Featured are Press Samples
clarins sunscreen reviews

 I didn't know that I could do better than my Banana Boat Baby or that better sunscreens existed or even that sunscreens came in any other format aside from squeeze tubes. I've been exploring sunscreens more and Clarins did me a one-up by sending quite a few options to discover. So here are my recommendations for your Clarins sunscreen purchasing decisions. (tldr points at the bottom). 

Saturday 5 July 2014

Sample Killah!!!

So, you know all those sample follies? Those need to go. I'm overflowing! So I'm taking Kalyn Lord's Sample Killah challenge.

Expect reports on my instragram on:

July 10th
July 17th
July 24th
July 31st

with a round up post at the end of the month.

And you can join in the fun too by entering here. To give you some additional incentive, there's a $50 Paypal giftcard up for grabs open to everyone for just trying to reduce their samples stash.

Friday 4 July 2014

Ind!a Circus

*Press sample featured

Some of us spend a lot of money on where we put our money. The boyfriend has been carrying around the same leather wallet since forever, its his only one, but I seemed to have collected more than a few options.

And who am I if I didn't have options to display and hold my insignificant wealth? I can't roll with the riches in their South Hampton escapes and summer yachts but t I can feign authenticity with designer goods before the emptiness of my bank account is revealed. And how am I going to fit that soccer-mom trifold wallet I carried in high school (so fash!) into tiny evening purses? A few wallet sizes are always helpful. 

Wednesday 2 July 2014

PSA: Your Embarrassing Soundcloud

Credit: Josh Olin
To them young thugs that be blastin' those beats all up in the subwayz...
Homes, why you gotta play it like that?!*