Thursday 30 April 2015

Gift with Purchase Bags, Yet Another First World Problem

I collect makeup pouches faster than you can say "Gift with Purchase". A dime a dozen, these bags make their way to my home without any effort. Whether from a gift set or as a receptacle for the aforementioned Gift with Purchase, these, honestly unwanted, make up bags just keep coming. And strangely they are marketed as part of the perk of the GWP phenomenon with the "free cosmetic bag" being almost as readily offered as the "Gift with Purchase tote." Can someone make it stop?

At this rate, my storage, not only spilling over with too much consumed makeup, also cascades plastic make up cases whenever I open it. Put one into a drawer and two more pop out as if they were horny rabbits and often in increasingly outrageous patterns. I've started refusing the bags when I can, taking only the contents.  I'm pretty sure there's a large section of a landfill solely dedicated to unused and unwanted excess makeup bags and cases. Or at the very least, a whole other storage solution just for these storage options.

Of course, from such a wide selection to choose, I actually haven't had to purchase a make up bag ever. When I travel, I prefer placing items into clear ziplocs but I've guilt-ed myself into using some of these bags while detesting their general clash with my aesthetic. If that's not yet another example of a first world problem then I am delusional about my solidly middle-class lifestyle.

In truth, though not the most pressing issue, I'd be slightly happier with a lot less of these in my already cluttered life. How about no giveaway bags at all? How about everyone just pick one bag for the rest of their life and use it death before ever needing another? Too simple? Probably.

Are you overrun with excess makeup bags?

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