Friday 3 April 2015

Currently Reading #4

When I go to the library and borrow books, I feel like I have parcels of presents just waiting to be opened. I'm not even kidding or exaggerating. Does anyone else feel like that? Anyways, here's what I've got on the go right now.

This isn't literature but it is a good romp about a 21 year old white guy who cooks mad Chinese food and gets tangled up in a missing diamonds situation when he decided to give a lift to a stranded Chinese girl during a highway pitstop. The Chinese food stories and descriptions made me want to eat (proper) Chinese food everytime I read it and the character's tongue in cheek take on his own egg-ness (white on the outside, yellow on the inside, get it?) gave me some smiles. A quick easy read with two very cute characters.

After reading Rachman's Debut, The Imperfectionists, I had to read his second book. Rachman has a great hand with pacing and with developing character stories. In this novel we meet Tooly, who we slowly discover, has led an accidentally life of crookery after being stolen from home. Now an adult, she runs a bookstore in a little town in Wales but starts a new adventure when she can't ignore a message that says, "Desperately trying to reach you. We need to talk about your father".

Firstly, go read The Rosie Project and if the main character, Don Tillman, doesn't endure himself to you through his socially-challenged, uber planned, way too strategized life, then I don't know what lump of coal you have for a heart. The Rosie Effect continues on the journey of Don's relationship with Rosie "who's so imperfect that she's perfect for him". The first book was definitely a romantic comedy and I don't usually go for this in movie or book form but the characters are smartly written, the events made me laugh and I found myself rooting for Rosie. I expect this one to be as entertaining.

Whatcha Reading?

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