Tuesday 16 December 2014

Buying on Price: Benefit Blushes

Benefit Cheeky Sweet Spot Box O'Blushes review swatch

There are some things that I buy purely on price. I don't care how it works (as long as it works reasonably well), just that I have it. These things include socks, toothbrushes, hairdryers, shampoo, soap and condiments. Sometimes yogurt. Never coats or jackets. And I'm always more than pleased with a deal.

This mentality can extend to makeup purchases and spending $43CDN for the entire Benefit blush line and my favorite highlighter (Watt's Up!) made perfect monetary sense to me. One individual boxed blush is $36. I just got 6+highligher for $6.14 each. I'm not going to lie but that was the sole reason for this purchase.
Benefit Cheeky Sweet Spot Box O'Blushes review swatch

Benefit blushes have been on the radar for a while. Dandelion has been a mind worm, Hoola has been often suggested, and everyone seems to enjoy Coralista. But I held out. Already swimming in blushes, there was no impetuous to add more or to shell out for individual shades. Christmas time releases are when that resolve fails, as deal upon deal are heaped up in store aisles and I can't help but reconsider. If you ever were to satisfy that Benefit Blush curiosity, the time would be now. 

Benefit Cheeky Sweet Spot Box O'Blushes review swatch

Granted, Coralista and Bella Bamba offered in this palette are slightly lighter than their single boxed counterparts (as demonstrated by other blogger swatches) but I'm more than willing to let that pass. All shades have shimmer (except matte Hoola which works well as a contour) but aren't over the top and not gritty nor too obvious.

If you're into sheen, this would be a good set of colors to try and if you're not, this might be a gentle way to ease yourself in. The color choices are very wearable and will fit almost all occasions except the most extreme. Blush noobs will find these unintimidating sheer-able muted colors a good way to get on the blush bandwagon (extra points for the how-to guide in the box) while getting a nice range of workable everyday blush shades. Clown cheek lovers can layer on more if they need to.

Benefit Cheeky Sweet Spot Box O'Blushes review swatch

Did I need this? No, especially since the entire tin is quite bulky and the swimming thing. There's nothing wrong with the colors and they are pretty in general but I'm not entirely blown away. Still, there are no regrets. This set satisfies a blush curiosity and my capitalistic and hoarding character was quite pleased to have done so at a more than reasonable price.

Have you tried the Benefit blushes? Would you pick this set up?

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