Monday 4 April 2016

Update: Lash Extension Check In and Final Thoughts

This is just an update on my lash extensions from Double Take Studios. Here, you can read about my experiences getting them put in. I knew the caveats of extensions going in but wasn't sure how I would actually enjoy them over time so here is a follow up and my conclusions.

2 weeks in:
Some lashes have started to grow out, increasing the total length of the extensions. The extension is quite thick so the base growth resulted in a loss of structural integrity for some lashes. Now and then a lash would dangle into my eyes or flipping every which way (like that last on the outer left eye) until I brushed them back into place.

4-5 weeks in:
At my 4th week I still had enough extensions on to achieve the "pretty in the morning" look and I started to use eyeshadow again since I missed eye colors so much. 

It was difficult applying shadow; I had to angle my brush through my lashes. I used care when removing makeup around the eyes and wasn't always able to fully clean my lids. I noticed that my lash lines would look a little gunky somtetimes.

As my lashes continued to grow, more would turn or lay sideways; I would brush them every morning to reset them. I started bringing a little brush around because I would frequently feel like something was in my eye and it usually was a rogue lash.

Even in my 5th week, the extensions looked good and even. Though I was noticeably loosing more lashes, I didn't look bare. More non-extended lashes were showing up between the extensions but my lash line still looked natural. At this point, I was using eyeshadow again daily and was less careful about avoiding oil cleanser around my lids. After Week 6, very thin strands of glue would dangle between lashes or into my eyes and I would sometimes feel like they were in my eyes.

Final thoughts:
Double Take was kind enough to offer me a complimentary fill but all in all, though the service itself was stellar, lash extensions weren't for me. I missed using eyeshadow a lot; having to work the brush around lashes and not being able to ensure thorough cleansing wasn't a beauty space I really enjoyed. I got really good at using black eyeshadow as liner though.

I absolutely loved how pretty extensions were and the freedom to wake up, go bare faced into the world and still feel "made up". Extensions are a great beauty options for those who truly aren't fans of makeup (or, are fans who wouldn't worry too much about how to upkeep them properly and could afford to get them filled in repeatedly). I will miss how long and pretty my lashes were and the ease I had in the mornings but I'm looking forward to playing with make up again. 

If you've used extensions, did you get them refilled?

Daily Zen: Anne May Wong (1904-1965) was the first Chinese American movie star. That's sort of neat!


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