Tuesday 23 September 2014

Some Things Never Die...

...like the black knight, or vampires, or rock n'roll, or "True Love".
However much we know that all things come to an end, there are items in this world that we want to live or last forever.  There are also the things that I wish would just die already...
...like my ex best friend's grudge, or that cold I had during my Saskatoon vacation
...or my Becca Ever-Matte Poreless Primer Perfector sample.

The primer promised minimized pores and mattified skin for up to 12 hours. Amazing! But in my experience it hasn't lived up to any of these claims no matter how I apply it, no matter how much some other blogger friends love it. Every morning, I squeeze out that little pea sized amount envisioning "Yes! It's TODAY! I can feel it in my bones. This will finally be done." So far I've been wrong since Oct 2013.

 Even then I thought I was so close to finishing up this 100 points Sephora perk deluxe sample but its been a flippin' year and I'm pretty sure I still have about more than 5 uses left. Becca, you are an empties tease, that's what you are.

There is one thing I will give this primer; it's free of silicones, which is rare in this over-siliconed primered world. I wanted to love you Becca. I wanted to want you to last forever the same way I thought Gomez and the Biebs were the real deal (not really) but you haven't delivered and you're taking your bloody time exiiting.  Can you please be done already?!

Anything you wish would just be finished?

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