Saturday, 5 April 2014

Spring with Lush*!

*Press Samples

(Unfortunately photos in this post were lost due to The Great Deletion of 2014. Some efforts to re-do photos will be made but not all posts will be redone.)

LUSH spring 2014 collection

I'm a huge LUSH fan and have converted more than a few people into LUSH lovers as well. Their Spring collection just launched and there are more than a few interesting goodies to pick up! I won't be able to test out the bath stuff just yet but am super excited to soak in the bf's tub at the end of April when I'm back home.

Lush spring 2014 colleciton bunny bubble bar

Bunny Bubble Bar ($6.95CDN) features a new bubble formula made with shea butter, coconut oil and cornstarch which promises to eliminate what LUSH calls the "dough rising effect". This thing is freaking cute and I can't wait to try it out.

LUSH spring 2014 collection fluffy egg bath ballistic

Fluffy Egg Bath Ballistic ($5.95CDN) promises a bath of marshmallows, candy floss and jelly beans, everything a childhood easter basket would have. 

LUSH spring 2014 collection carrot soap

Carrot Soap ($6.95CDN) is new for this year. This is made with carrots to moisturize and a cocobutter center to soften. It smells awesome! If you're a fan of lemon and bergamot, this is for you. I used this last night and it smells so warm and inviting. It doesn't produce sudsy lathers but the soap still feels moisturizing and soft on my skin.

LUSH spring 2014 collection brightside bubble bar

Brightside Bubble Bar ($10.95CDN) is back for another year. I can't explain to you how much I LOVE the LUSH bubble bars. When I was back in Vancouver I used them all the time to decompress and just laze around in a warm suddsy bubbly bath. I often break these larger bubble bars up for multiple uses. This one has mandarin, tangerine and bergamot scents, perfect for a citrus lover like me! This promises a sunset bath with frothy white bubble clouds. EXCITED! 

Are you a LUSHIE? (the bath kind...not the alcoholic

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