Thursday 23 July 2015

Laughing with the Universe

Hey Dude,

Just a quick note that blogging activities have been at a standstill lately. In one of those 'laugh with the universe' moments, my Mac Air decided to stop working and the replacement of the logic board is going to cost me $$$. This has been wonderfully timed alongside all the other expenses I've been incurring this month due to the move and my zealous attempts to do all the things in Toronto while I can.

Suffice it to say, I won't be spending much time catching up on my Bloglovin' roll but have some posts pre-scheduled and will be answering my emails/responding to comments. Things will hopefully get back up and running at full speed by mid-Aug but I'm contemplating taking the later half of August off.

Either way, hang in there while I try to dig some change out of my couch to pay for the repairs.



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