Friday 10 July 2015

Beauty In the Office

Today, is actually my last day of work in Toronto. I'm entering in to the scary world of un-employment while I prepare to move back to Vancouver and start packing my things. To celebrate the end's a look at my work desk.

Without even realizing it, you  may be slowly moving into your work office. Every Monday morning starts another 7.5hour/day round of the work week and with that much of your life hours spent at your desk, its not too surprising that some offices start accumulating masses of dishes, shoes and off-season clothing. For those unlucky souls who work more time intensive professions, I've also heard stories of sleeping bags and extra changes of clothing tucked (not too neatly) into drawers and cabinets.

Full time work means spending the majority of your day cranking away for 'the man', using those brain cells to, at best, 'make the world a better place' or, at worst, 'take home the bacon'. My bureaucratic job, thankfully, isn't too demanding on my time but my work life is spent at a desk and with those hours in mind, I did my best to make the situation a bit more pleasant and have kept some basic essentials nearby.

During the day, Clean and Clear Oil Control Film keeps me oil free and Mary Kay Vanilla Berry Hand Cream keeps my dry hands soft. Since I get off work around 4pm, I slather on Ombrelle SPF 60 Kids Waterproof Lotion just before leaving so avoid getting burned.

Keeping some lip products around is great for when I've rushed out the door. I'm trying to use up Revlon's Lip Butter in Berry Smoothie but sometimes I feel like gloss so there's Estee Lauder Pure Color Gloss in Rock Candy. If I'm not feeling like either Blistex Lip Balm is always a must.

Speaking of rushing out the door, the only reason I have the NYC Kohl Brow/Eyeliner Pencil was because I had rushed out the door one day w/o liner or brows. I wouldn't have really bothered about them while at work but I learned that the Minister was coming to tour our offices that day so I found the cheapest product I could get to line my eyes and fill in my brows. 925 Sable is much too dark for my brows and in general, a very hard formula, but I worked with it.

I've already explained that I keep Mentholatum balm in one form or another close by for its magical anti-nausea/stomach ache properties. A mirror and eyeglass cloth help me maintain a suitable level of vision and decency and if my concealer needs a touch up during the day I dot on some Garnier BB Eyes Miracle Skin Perfecter*.

Anyways, I'm excited and sad to leave my job and take a bit of a break before I plunge into something else when I'm back in Vancouver. Fingers crossed I'll find something awesome. Wish me luck!

Daily Zen: "Work, is about a search for daily meaning as well as daily bread … for a sort of life rather than a Monday-through-Friday sort of dying.” -  Studs Terkel


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