Sunday 18 January 2015

Upgrading My Winter Skincare

I already mentioned that I've been using the Clarins Hydraquench Cream but after returning to Toronto from Vancouver, washing my face and noticing how about half of my skin was cracked and peeling, I knew it was time to amp it up a little. 

The Hydraquench is still in my rotation but for the first few days back, I used it at night mixed in with Sibu's Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil. This totally upgraded my skincare and my face repaired itself almost instantly. Nothing scarier than seeing what looks like half your skin peeling off to force you to try something new. 

I have been wary of skin oils for a while. My first brush with face oils, Fresh's Seaberry Oil (Seaberry is the same thing as Sea Buckthorn), made me wonder why I needed a $60 face oil that didn't do much. I knew a lot of people who were jumping onto the face oil wagon and I was still curious so when I saw Sibu's version for $12 at Wholefoods, I thought, "Eh...I'll give this another go." Have to say I'm pretty happy I went with this option instead of dropping cash on Fresh. It works for me now and I paid much less.

For the day, the Lancome Benefait Multi-vital is my current thick winter day cream of choice. SPF is becoming a must so the SPF 30 checks the box. Previously I was underutilizing it by using it as a night cream (since it is so thick) but now that it's winter, its moisturizing ability is perfect for my morning skincare routine.

Have you upgraded your winter skincare in any way?

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