Saturday 21 January 2017

Content Restful Times

I'm really down with this "hygge" idea. 

If you haven't heard this Danish word, get yourself acquainted. My Danish colleague pronounced it for me ("hooghe") and its so adorable when she says it. It's sentiment of surrounding oneself with warmth, coziness and the good things in life is something we should all take part in.

I have a few moments of true hygge and one of them is singing along to random songs while lying on the couch. It sounds really lame. I spend an hour laying about, acting as my own karaoke venue. It's not exciting but it makes me feel rested and free of concerns. 

It was during one of these times that I realized hygge must also be a moment of true contentment. I wanted to intentionally focus on these little content moments because I rush through my day and miss noticing them. Thinking more about it, I came up with: 

Hygge #1: Throwing on my robe in the morning. 
My robe is nearly always the first thing I throw when getting up in the morning and when leaving the shower. The sharp distinction between bared skin and fleece protection makes my robe a little treasure of daily comfort.

Hygge #2: Stockinged feet stuffed quickly into rain boots.
Not all cozy feelings need to be indoors. I get something like coziness when I see the pouring rain outside and put on my rain boots. My feet are nice and snug, and the boots make them impermeable to the rain. The rest of me though...maybe not so hyggeligt.

Hygge #3: Talking for three hours on the phone.
I am a phone talker and thankfully my closest friends are too. Spending 2-3 unrushed hours laughing and reconnecting reminds me that there are some really awesome people out there and that they are a part of my life.

Hygge #4: Sitting in a cafe, staring out the window, and reading the newspaper. 
Going to a cafe with a newspaper or book is one way I allow myself to pause. I often visited Lit Espresso Bar in Toronto but I have yet to find a niche coffee location near  me now that isn't super crowded and serves good drink/food. Granted I haven't had much chance to look but I love the relaxed feeling I get when I allow myself this activity.

What are some ways you get that cozy feeling?


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