Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Currently Eating: Frozen Persimmons

frozen persimmon

David has had to convince me of frozen fruit a few times now. Always a fan of blueberries, his fridge tended to have the usual frozen fruit varieties of berries and mangoes. He would freeze bananas (which I readily loved with huge slathers of peanut butter) and most recently, he suggested that persimmons were great frozen as well.

frozen persimmon

I really love persimmons but sometimes I lose the waiting game of "when is it ripe?" and reaching for one will see my fingers depressing just a bit too deeply into the skin. A lumpy blacked persimmon doesn't sound all that appetizing but we've chucked them whole, skin on, into the freezer. A day's wait turns the ripened persimmon into, basically, fruit sherbet.

The skin comes off amazingly easy if you leave it out for a few minutes. Easily peel-able by hand in large strips, the remains are a huge globe of creamy sweet fruit, that isn't ice-like. I wasn't a huge fan of the first one I ate but I'm coming around and these are definitely delicious.

Give it a try!