
Saturday, 14 May 2016

Marc Jacob Highliner Gel Eye Crayons

marc jacob highlier eyeliner swatch review

I'm slowly learning that Temptalia is not the be-all and end-all of make up opinions but I will take notice when she is constantly drawing for the same items and declares unbridled love for an item. She's often stated that the Marc Jacob Highliner Gel Eye Crayons are a major favorite and the release of the Xmas set last year was another opportunity to test my opinions against hers.

marc jacob highlier eyeliner swatch review

I've had my fair share of eyeliner experiences but the promise of a waterproof, long-wearing gel formula that glides on like cream and lasts like crazy is always going to get my heart rate up. You don't know pleasure like applying a truly glides-as-if-on-ice liner. $30CDN for a full sized 0.01oz pencil isn't the most affordable considering I get amazing glide from the Clio Gelpressos which are only ~$18CDN but for science I will try almost anything.

marc jacob highlier eyeliner swatch review

The Skyliner set ($56CDN, LE) came with 7 mini liners (in O(vert) (forest green), Brown(out) (bronze with shimmer), Th(ink) (deep navy), (Plum)age (vivid purple), Blacquer (black), Sunset (golden bronze shimmer), Midnight in Paris (inky indigo blue)). I also bought (Luna)tic and Intro(vert) which both make awesome lower lash line shades.

marc jacob highlier eyeliner swatch review

The glide on these is truly amazing, and yes the lasting power has a grip like no other. Sunset stayed on my lower lash line all day. There was no smudging and waterline use was spot on. Blacquer might just be the blackest pencil liner I've EVER used. The gel formula wears down really quickly per use though. I usually avoid sharpening for as long as possible but the amount of pigment and creaminess in these necessitates a consistently sharp point. I hate the little sharpeners that come at the end of pencils. I always slip and wreck the product and the size just doesn't give enough purchase for my fingers.

marc jacob highlier eyeliner swatch review

Though creamy and long lasting, I wouldn't say these are a must. The formula is first rate but almost to a fault. For once, I have found an eyeliner that's a little difficult to remove and I'm still liking the price of my Clio pencils better. But Clio doesn't make that many lighter colors so I would suggest a looksee at Lunatic and Introvert or Marc's other lighter color offerings.

What's the creamiest pencil you own?

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