
Wednesday, 27 April 2016

On Keeping My Garbage

I often look at my pile of emptied products and wonder why I bother. David often looks at my pile of empties and often wonders what I'm doing hoarding my garbage. 

The "Empties Post" is a strange blogger culture creature where observance of our beauty habits culminates in a semi-regular parading or declaration of the things we've used up. Sometimes I feel like they're a necessary item in a beauty bloggers post cycle but more often than not, I'm less than inspired when it comes to sharing my own heap of rubbish.

The most joy from stockpiling my used products doesn't come in the counting of things used but in the act of expelling them from my space. Its immensely satisfying to see all the plastic that I'm recycling, but also frightening that I contribute to such an excessive need for plastic packaging to begin with.

While writing posts on empties doesn't spark creativity, I do enjoy watching empty videos now and then but rarely enjoy reading empty posts. I'm not sure of the driver for this difference but personality goes a long way in keeping me entertained when we are basically talking about your refuse. 

I'm thinking I either have to get better at posting empty videos or give up the practice all together.

What thinks you about empty posts?

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